Manifesting, Creating, and Attunement

Manifesting, Creating, and Attunement

William C. Gough

Updated September 5, 2014.


This paper explores the mystery of manifestation in one's life. How do you manifest a mundane thing like a parking place, or the major things in your life like a loving mate, good health, an exciting and fun career, etc. There seem to be some minimum requirements. You must focus your attention upon your goal and you must have clarity in your intention. But there are other factors that embody the very nature of creating, and include one's beliefs, thoughts, intentions, and one's level of attunement with something greater than one's self, plus an acceptance of the unknowable. The secrets to success will be described as well as the constraints.


To discuss the topic of "manifesting, creating, and attunement" in one's life, we must first understand and recognize our own beliefs. They are a key factor in the successful application of the manifestation process. Here are two questions that you should think about and answer.

1) Do you believe that their exists an interconnectiveness between everything in the universe? About 95% of the audience indicated "yes". The high percentage might be because this is a Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing. Yet, the reply is also in agreement with the quantum physics requirement known as "entanglement" -- the idea that subatomic particles could become inextricably linked, and that making a change to one such particle would instantly be reflected in its counterpart, regardless of the separation distance. Multiple physics experiments have shown the concept of quantum entanglement to be valid (Aczel, 2002).]

2) Do you believe that you are participating in a two-way interaction with a creative all knowing intelligence? [Over 90% of the audience responded with a "Yes." The model that Drs. Robert Shacklett and Dean Brown, two quantum physicists, and I have proposed is shown in Figure 1. It assumes that there exists an Absolute, a domain of unbounded potentials and hence unmanifest forms. In this paper we will be discussing the two-way interactions between the Absolute and physical reality (E1) as it relates to the creation process. The left side of the diagram represents the emergent forms from the Absolute. The right side represents the eventual return to the Absolute of all form -- the second law of thermodynamics (Gough & Shacklett, 1999; Gough & Brown, 2001 & 2002). Our model parallels and extends the Platonic worldview. Influential modern scientists are now seriously exploring the Platonic concepts (Penrose, 2004).


Creating Via Intention

We all create via our intentions. The assumption in this paper is that each and every one of us participates in a two-way continuous interaction with a creative intelligence. In fact, you can't not create! Our consciousness is always creating -- consciously or unconsciously. The question therefore is: How can I become good at creating intentionally? For example, how can I help create deliberately the appropriate conditions that I desire? I asked the audience: How many of you have used your intention to find a parking place? About 60% said they had! This is sort of a kindergarten exercise. Yet think about what is happening.

Recently we stayed over night at a friend's home. On Sunday morning we were going our separate ways. However, we wanted to take a hike before returning home. Our friend said that there was a trail nearby, but it had only six parking spots and they would surely be filled on a weekend. He would help us find a nearby parking area. I put out my parking spot intention. As we pulled up to the trailhead, sure enough all six parking spots were filled. However, at that very moment the parking lights on one of the six cars lit and the car rapidly pulled out. I immediately drove in and filled the vacant spot. The mysterious point when this experience happens over and over again is the synchronistic timing. The individuals involved in both cars have free wills and are making independent choices. The persons involved in making the event happen appear to be disconnected from one another, yet, if this is a real phenomenon, somehow they must be entangled.


One of the founders of quantum physics, Dr. Erwin Schrödinger, considered entanglement "not one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought" (Schrödinger, 1935). Intention is an informational function. The traditional physical sciences have treated "information" as an awkward stepchild -- try to find the word "information" in the index of classical and quantum physics textbooks! However, today there is a new area of research that combines information science and quantum physics known as the field of quantum information science (Nielsen , 2002; Nielsen & Chuang, 2000).

Entangled states have properties fundamentally unlike anything in classical physics. Such entangled states are now being considered as a new type of physical resource that can be used to perform interesting tasks. Areas being explored are teleportation, secure cryptographic techniques, and quantum-mechanical computers. For example, a quantum computer has the potential of accelerating the computational steps needed to perform an informational processing task from the 150,000 years required for today’s computers to less than a second (Nielsen, 2002).

Entanglement is often presented as an all-or-nothing property. However, that is not the case -- there are degrees of entanglement. This is being demonstrated in quantum information science by combining information science and quantum physics. Quantum information comes in quantum bits called "qubits" which in groups can be "entangled." Quantum information scientists have developed qualitative measures of entanglement. They have begun introducing the notion of a standard unit of entanglement. This would be similar to a standard unit of energy. The hope is that there exists an analogy between entanglement and energy, and that physical laws similar to those developed for energy could be discovered.

Entanglement is usually dismissed at the macroscopic level of interaction. Most systems lose their quantum nature as their size increases. This occurs because large quantum systems, like our bodies, generally interact strongly with their environment, causing a process of decoherence, which destroys the system's quantum properties. However, I believe this limitation can be overcome. Intention is an informational input process that has been demonstrated to be non-local. It can be very precise in what is targeted. For example, the cell is the unit of life -- the simplest form of life. Each human has about 100 trillion cells. Hence, the body can be considered a community of cells that communicate with one another. We have tremendous control over all aspects of our bodies via our intention. The most spectacular demonstration has been biofeedback studies of voluntary control of single nerve cells via intention. Each pulse of the single-motor-unit firing was heard on a loudspeaker as a thump. People found that they could manufacture doublets, triplets, and drum rolls at will (Green, 1989, Basmajian, 1962, 1963). Intention, a mental/emotional process, represents new informational input into an existing physical "environment" and, hence, can change that environment when a sufficient amount of entanglement is created.

Working Ground Rules

We will now explore some of the working ground-rules for intentional creating. Recall that we are interacting with the domain of unbounded potential, the Absolute, which is both the source and part of the entangled "oneness." Entanglement is an inherent property of quantum physics and is the basis for non-local effects that occur faster than the speed of light. As discussed above, intention alters the degree of entanglement!

It is important to remember that we can control what we request via our intentions. However, since we are interacting with the "oneness" of the Absolute, we do not control the response. We must "surrender" or just "let go" to allow the response to manifest. In fact we can't define the timing or the means the response will take. In addition we can't demand a given outcome. Participating in a PK (psychokinesis) Party, often called spoon or metal bending parties, will convince you of the power of intention (Houck, 2004; Quevedo, 2003). When you bend a three eights inch metal rod into a knot, take it home, and the next day can't straighten it with all your strength, you appreciate the power of intention. One of the things we learn when conducting a metal (spoon) bending party is that one must let go of one's intention to bend. Letting go allows the Absolute to provide the necessary energy/informational input to turn the metal soft. For example, if you hold onto the blueprints for a project and never turn them over to the construction team -- nothing would get built.

An analogy for the process we have been describing would be to consider the body as a radio transmitter/receiver as illustrated in Figure 2. One's belief system represents a system design constraint. The belief system can be represented by the frequency bands that you are capable of accessing. For example you can have a radio that has been built to access only AM signals, or FM signals, or it could be an FM/AM radio, or even able to receive all the short wave bands that permit you to hear messages from around the world. Next you must choose the station/channel (specific frequency band) that you wish to receive. This is where you are placing your attention as you turn the channel selector. Now you wish to hear a particular program. This is your intention as you change the "gain" control via your emotions. However, the reception may be poor, you must have an antenna which corresponds to the sincerity behind your intention (Gough, 2002).


Science has demonstrated that there is a physical effect in your body, including your brain, when you try to lie or deceive. Most people are familiar with the polygraph or "lie detector" used by law enforcement. However, now neurophysiological difference between deception and truth can be detected by scientists using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the brain. Another related technique called magnetic-resonance spectroscopy is also being developed. Your body knows when you are lying and is broadcasting that knowledge. This is the basis for the increasingly sophisticated technology being developed to detect lying (Silberman, 2006; Restak, 2006).

There exists some very important research that supports the concept that you cannot fool the Absolute since it constitutes an interconnected whole of which you are a part. Cleve Backster, has pursued detection of biocommunication between cells for forty years, a process that he calls primary perception. Studies were done on various plants; brine shrimp; non-fertile chicken eggs; E. Coli bacteria; bacteria present in plain yogurt; bacteria from an aquarium; in vitro animal cells; in vitro human white blood cells (oral leukocytes); human spermatozoa; and human whole blood. The instrumentation used was primarily the GSR (skin conductance) component of the polygraph, but later included electro-encephalograph (EEG) and electro-cardiograph (EKG). Distance seemed to impose no limitations to communication between cells. Also, the use of electromagnetic shielding in experiments produced no deterring effects upon results implying a non-local process (Tompkins & Bird, 1972; Backster & White, 1985; Stone, 1989; Backster & Powers, 2003; Gough, editorial Apr. 2004).

This research has clearly indicated the importance of spontaneity and sincere intention. Both plants and human cells appear to discriminate between a thought that you do not really mean and a thought that is "for real." The model that Dr. Bob Shacklett, Dr. Dean Brown and I put forth predicts that all cells are linked to a non-local spaceless-timeless continuum that we have called the Absolute. The cells therefore can access the wisdom of the interconnected web of the whole. Since you cannot deceive the all-knowing Absolute, your cells and those of a plant "intuitively" perceive when your intent is not sincere (Backster & Powers, 2003; Gough, editorial Apr. 2004).

Working Principles

There are certain working principles by which the universe guides the manifestation process. It appears that in manifestations the universe follows the Law of Least Action -- the simplest way to accomplish the objective. This principle dates back to Hero of Alexandria in 125 B.C. who proposed that light always travels between objects by the shortest path. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, physicists put the principle on a firm mathematical footing. It underlies modern physics. "Action is a technical term and could be thought of as derived from the momentum of a particle" (Peat, 1988; Young, 1976).

Because there are so many variables, you can't even predict how a specific request for manifestation will emerge. But the Least Action Principle will apply -- Nature always operates upon this principle of maximum economy. For example, I had a college classmate who described a scheduled operation for a cancer in his back. A group of us started a long-distance healing intervention, and he was responsible for releasing his belief that an operation was necessary and having a second x-ray before the scheduled operation. On the day of the operation he arrives late at the hospital, a different doctor using a different x-ray machine checks his back, the new doctor concludes that it's not cancer but a fungus, calls his surgeon and the operation is canceled.

In manifestations you never know for sure what will happen. Events occur that could be explained in many ways. Was it the use of a better x-ray machine? Was it the different doctor who was able to read the x-ray more accurately? Had the "cancer" never existed or had it been changed via the healing? If the patient hadn't been late would his original doctor have noted the difference -- or would his belief in his original diagnoses been so strong that an operation would have occurred? The important point is that the end result of this particular manifestation was the one that was desired.

We appear to live in a holographic universe (Talbot, 1996). In effect we are living in a holographic field -- an interconnected web of the "whole." Because it is holographic there is self-similarity across scale. This is why fractals can model the physical world so well and are now used to create Nature scenes in motion pictures. It is also why in manifestation there is no scale. In principle there is no easier or harder task or no smaller or bigger job. However, any intention is working with the "whole." Finding a parking place can be relativity easy. Today most people think they cannot find a spot. Thus, there is little resistance within the "whole" unless doubt creeps into your thoughts. Sometimes your intentions for a specific outcome will interact with the intentions of many other people. When there is coherence among these intentions the power of your intention to manifest is enhanced. However, coherence is lost when the direction of an intention interacts with opposing intentions of others. Resistance is encountered. What manifests will depend upon the balance of strengths of intentions -- their clarity, sincerity and hence power. We are all collectively contributing to our common reality both consciously and unconsciously (McTaggart, 2002; Gough, editorials Apr. 2003 & Feb. 2006).

Secrets to Success

What are some of the secrets to success when intentional creating is used? First, imagine you have already received the desired request. Just unite with what you want and claim the new reality. You are not begging or hoping. You just see the process as already completed. Second, be wholeheartedly behind the vision. This means that it must be a sincere request. However, you also must be very clear and precise. There is the story of a man who visualized a pink Cadillac parked in his driveway. It was a very sincere request. One day he returned early from his office and saw the pink Cadillac in the driveway. He excitedly ran into the house to tell his wife. His wife was in bed and the pink Cadillac turned out to be the car of his wife's lover. You must be specific since the universe follows the Law of Least Action.

A very important condition is that you must be open to receive. We get what we are willing to have, not necessarily what we say we want! Therefore suspend all contrary beliefs. For example, if you want the perfect mate, you must eliminate any fear of commitment or fear of rejection or loss. If you want money you must eliminate any thoughts that wealth is corrupting or bad. You must eliminate all counter intentions such as "I am not good at co-creating".

This process is often easier said than done. You must remain coherent in your thoughts, i.e., you must remain in "sync" with the Absolute. Here is an example of the type of situation that could cause a problem. In October 2004 I developed a small growth on my right elbow. My dermatologist was on travel and would not be back until the end of November. The tumor began to grow rapidly and reached a size of about 3/8 inch in both diameter and height and became quite painful. My acupuncturist provided an herbal salve treatment in addition to the acupuncture and herbs that I was taking to enhance my adrenals and immune system. I began a visualization meditative practice seeing the tumor shrinking down in size. Gradually the pain ceased and the tumor began shrinking.

Upon his return, my dermatologist immediately diagnosed the tumor as keratoacanthoma, a type of skin cancer related to squamous cell carcinoma. He recommended that I have surgery that day in his office. However, I hesitated since my body seemed to be healing itself. He agreed to wait ten days and see if it continued to improve. At each subsequent visit, to the dermatologist's amazement, the skin continued to improve and by March had returned to normal (Gough, editorial Sept. 2006). The question I had to ask myself was: What would have happened if my dermatologist had been available initially, told me I had skin cancer and that it could spread to my lymph nodes? Would I have immediately just agreed to have surgery? Would the fear and doubts have negated the "knowingness" that I subsequently had that a non-traditional cure would work?


Is there any limitation upon intentional creating? The answer is "yes" there are some. In the physical world we experience "time." Remember that we can control what we request from the Absolute, but we can't control the timing of the response. Our request must be in sync with the Universe's timing. For example Leonardo da Vinci lived in the 1400's. His visionary work has become the backbone of modern flight. In his lifetime he never flew and never saw an airplane. In fact he had developed plans that outlined the principles for helicopters. Yet it took over five hundred years before they were actually created! (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2004).

In addition there are "cosmic" constraints. Dr. Dean Brown and Wenden Wiegand, have written a book entitled Cosmic Laws -- Patterns in the Universe that presents eight such Cosmic Laws. Dr. Brown, a theoretical quantum physicist, searched for patterns of reality that are invariant. That is, these universal patterns are constant and unchanging. Regardless of the perspective from which they are viewed they come out to be the same. They are independent of culture, race, and time. In fact, the Cosmic Laws are at the root of, and encompass, the physical laws of material and biological sciences, ethics, logic, and aesthetics (Brown & Wiegand, 2002).

Let us explore a few of these Cosmic Laws and their implications to the manifestation and creation process. There is the Law of Contraries. If there is light there must be darkness, if there is good there must be bad. We can never know one without the other existing. Therefore, there must always be a yin and a yang. We can only bring the yin and yang into balance. We can never completely eliminate one or the other. There is also the Law of Dissolution. Everything has a beginning and an ending. It does not matter whether the object is a galaxy, a solar system, a planet, a plant, or you and me. This is the basis behind the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In Figure 1 the process is represented on the right hand side by the flow back to the Absolute. We can extend life, but we can never have eternal life as physical beings (Gough & Shacklett, 1999, 2000, 2001; Gough & Brown, 2001, 2002).

However, the limitations on intentional creating are far less stringent than most of the people on this planet believe. The reason is the Cosmic Law of Emanation. This is the law of becoming, of birth, emergence, and creating. In Figure 1 the process is represented on the left hand side by the flow from the Absolute. "Intending" is a property of life and is the key for coupling to the Cosmic Law of Emanation. Remember that Laws do not "govern," they describe the process. Humans have "free will," and hence the flexibility of choice on intending.


Enlightenment and Attunement

We have been using the words manifestation and creation almost interchangeably. Now I would like to add another word attunement. Manifestation usually implies someone asking for something for themselves. It represents a demonstration of power and purpose but the problem is that we think we have control. Creation usually implies bringing something new into the world -- something that didn't exist before. In our model everything already “exists,” since the potential for the new creation already is present in the Absolute, the domain of unbounded potentials. Attunement becomes the process by which we "tune" to these infinite potentials. We thus, via our intentions, initiate a process for co-creating our vision in harmony with the "entangled" whole, the Absolute. We selectively enhance the amount of entanglement to certain potentials via our specific intentions.

The ability to attune to the unbounded potentials of the Absolute represents a skill that requires training, although some people appear to be born with a natural ability and desire to excel in this skill. An analogy would be world-class athletes that become Olympic champions in sports through their innate abilities and extensive training. Figure 3 illustrates the process of achieving greater levels of attunement to the Absolute and represents a journey inward to the Source. In the wisdom traditions this is known as the path to enlightenment. Dr. Oliver Markley, a futurist, has proposed a gradient model for this ascension process. It is a process of opening one's doors of perception. Regardless of the techniques used these doors once opened can never be closed (Huxley, 1954). In effect, quantum shifts occur in how one perceives reality. When you reach the highest level your "free will" becomes the will of the "whole" and you are freely choosing it -- a life of compassion and unconditional love -- recognition of the balance of yin and yang required by the Cosmic Law of Contraries. Thus, as you ascend to a "higher zone" of consciousness, the process transforms your perception of critical problems into opportunities (Gough, Editorial, May 2003; Brown & Wiegand, 2002; Markley, 1993).

The path to "enlightenment" represents increasing attunement to the Absolute, to the Domain of Unbounded Potentials -- an eternal now-ness beyond space and time as shown in Figure 1. During this process synchronistic events increase and paranormal abilities increase. The process is an accumulation effect in which you "burn-in" new brain circuitry. Eventually your "free will" is based on the wisdom of the "whole" and in the process you become a shaman, a prophet, a master co-creator.

The Absolute, the domain of unbounded potentials, can be imagined to be a white light. White light contains the potential for an infinite number of beautiful color patterns. Imagine a slide projector with its bright white light shining onto a screen. Everything appears the same, there is no differentiation. However, when you put a slide in you can project patterns with beautiful colors. According to the laws of optics you are subtracting the appropriate colors from the white light to yield the colorful designs on the screen. You are filtering from the infinite potential of the white light to produce the desired image. A film for a motion picture does the same selective subtraction over time. Our entire physical world can be viewed as a selective subtraction from the Absolute -- our manifest reality involves subtraction from the infinite potential (Huxley, 1954; Haisch, 2006).

In a similar manor our brain is designed to filter out virtually everything other than immediate consensual reality -- a design requirement for everyday survival. Thus, from the infinite sea of consciousness we extract a finite drop of the infinite potential of the Absolute. Hence, the levels of ascension in Figure 3 represents the process for rewiring of the brain to provide for changeable filters -- ones that eventually permit access to the infinite sea of consciousness -- to the white light. The path to "enlightenment" involves this ability to shift filters, i.e., consciousness states.

Co-Creating Together

The emphasis so far has been about an individual co-creating. But we are all linked together via the quantum principle of entanglement. Therefore, we are all co-creating together. Our actions influence one another. On the physical level new technologies are accelerating the human-to-human interaction process. We now have satellite TV, Internet and the World Wide Web, e-mail, cell phones, jet airplanes, etc. These recent patterns of interaction have resulted in a concentration of beliefs and thoughts in separate but interconnected groups. The world is in effect shrinking and different belief systems are now in close contact and sometimes colliding. There is an imperative that they learn to live together in harmony since we have also witnessed a tremendous and frightening acceleration in our destructive capabilities.

These physical realities are motivating us to explore more deeply the interaction effects due to quantum entanglement. The diverse intentions of individuals holding various belief systems produces wave interference as they interact with the Domain of Unbounded Potentials. The manifest reality of the planet is continually being co-created via this process. Although I haven't discussed it in this paper, Figure 1 also illustrates that there are other levels of reality. One should assume that the entanglement process also involves inputs from any organized intelligences at these other reality levels (Gough & Shacklett, 1999).

The Joker

Every deck of playing cards has a "Joker" card. It represents the unknowable and uncertainty inherent in Nature (Gough, Editorial, Jan. 2004). In Cosmic Law this is called "The Law of Concealment." Without concealment there could be no "enlightenment" since there would be no learning and no evolution. All would be known, static, and dead. (Brown & Wiegand, 2002). In physics the concept of concealment is represented by the Uncertainty Principle. For example, we can't precisely determine simultaneously 1) the position and motion of a particle, or 2) the amplitude and phase of a light beam. The bedrock of physics is mathematics. However, in mathematics we have Gödel’s Theorem, which proved that mathematics was incomplete and inconsistent. Gödel’s incompleteness theorem established by the most formal methods -- methods that could be programmed into a computer -- the limits of formal symbol systems of proof in capturing the intuitive concept of mathematical truth. In effect we have an uncertainty principle for symbols (Yourgrau, 2005; Devlin, 2002; Nagel & Newman, 1958).

Thus, humans will always lack absolute knowledge. Fortunately, we will always have the pleasure of knowing that there is more to learn. Science and art must continue to tease the truth from Nature. Uncertainty is the price we pay for becoming co-creators in the world! (Peat, 2002).

A Concluding Story

There's a supposedly true story of a German professor in Japan who took up archery under the tutelage of a Zen Master. After more than five years of earnest study, he'd made no real progress and just couldn't reach the high standards demanded of him. Completely frustrated he challenged the Master: "Is it not conceivable that after all your years of practice you simply cannot fail to hit the target?" The Master responded, "I know that seeing is not enough. I see the goal as though I did not see it."

Thinking that this was just more Zen Master double-speak, the professor blurted out, "Then you ought to be able to hit it blindfolded." That evening, the Master dowsed all the lights that normally illuminated the target-stand. The Master's first arrow shot out into the deep night, and then he shot a second arrow. When the lights were switched on, the professor discovered that the first arrow was lodged full in the middle of the bull's eye, while the second arrow had splintered the butt of the first and plowed through the shaft. The Zen Master said, "The first shot was not a great feat, but the second arrow which hit the first -- what do you make of that?"

Does the perfect shot already exist and our mission is simply to connect to it? Before being able to do so, we would have to practice long and hard, master the basics, and take our share of bruises. But through all of this, the perfect shot would be there -- in the eternal present, in the Absolute -- always there for us to join. Perhaps the Zen Master's intentions of a perfect shot, started things moving in the right direction and "something else" took care of the details of bringing target and arrows together for that perfect shot. The goal of manifesting and creating a meaningful life would then be to understand and learn the process of attunement with the Absolute (Witkowski, 2006; Herrigel, 1953; Leonard, 1978).


The author wishes to thank Robert Bourdeaux (21312 Bourdeaux Place, Gaithersburg, MD 20882-1993) for his artistic contribution to the creation of the artwork used in this paper.


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